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Yay - it’s decided! You and your new dot grid journal are meant to be together. If you’re curious about the different ways to use a journal, we’ve collected 6 Ways to Use a Dot Grid Journal that are sure to make your life more productive, creative, and fun!
1. Daily Journal
Dotted journals are great for regular daily journaling and jotting down your observations and notes. The dots help to keep your handwriting in a straight link, plus with a lightly shaded dot it’s less distracting than lines or grids! A dotted journal frees your imagination to let you doodle or sketch what you see in daily life.
2. Sketchbook
Doodling and sketching is good for the brain and overall stress reduction so why not do it in your new dotted journal? Having dots give support and structure to your drawings, especially for newbies. Looking to add scale, dimension, and proportion? Perspective drawing is that much easier with dot grid journal.
3. Practicing Handwriting/Calligraphy
Dot grid journals are great to practice your spacing, special characters, kerning, and working extenders. The dots allow you to measure and proportionally guide your strokes, plus they help keep the characters consistent and beautifully even.
4. Bullet Journal
The Bullet Journal concept focuses on using small phrases, key concepts, and concise ideas to quickly captured the past, present, and future. Since dots are already mapped out as bullet points, a dotted journal is a perfect way to start your BUJO journey. You’ll have neat and tidy notes in an organized format that makes for easy future reference.
5. Brainstorm/Visual Organization
Mindmapping is a great way to start a visual brainstorming process to map out ideas for a business plan or project. Having the dots handy lets you draw boxes, bubbles, and arrows to express workflow process diagrams. Using a dotted journal in team meetings lets you quickly document everyone’s ideas on the fly.
6. Checklists/To-do lists
Dotted journals are great for checklists or note-taking in list format. Creating a master checklist lets you keep track of everything in one spot. It’s a quick, effective, and straight to the point list of information to help organize all aspects of your life. Plus, you can easily create four-cornered checkboxes for each item to keep track of what’s been completed.
Now that you have some ideas and inspiration, how will you use your new journal?
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