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Back to school comes with the excitement of freshly sharpened pencils and crisp new notebooks. Set yourself up for a successful year, full of positive wins, by starting with good organization. Here are a few reasons we recommend using a dotted journal for a successful school year:
Less distraction.
Unlike a device (computer, phone or tablet), with an old-fashioned paper journal, there are no apps to distract you when you need to review or update an assignment.
Improved memory.
Handwriting tasks, assignments, and to-dos has been shown to improve memory, and with the start of a new school year, who couldn’t us better memory?
More productive.
Since you are less distracted and have better memory, it goes without saying, you’ll be getting more done in less time!
Improve positive habits.
Using a journal is an excellent way to identify positive habits and keep them front and center. Making a positive change is much more achievable when you can see and act on the plan.
Document goals.
Do you have goals for the school year? Writing them down is one of the most important factors in achieving your academic goals.
Celebrate successes.
And most important, celebrate and cheer your school successes! Little beats the satisfaction of checking off a to-do list or filling-in a habit tracker. We love using our Felt-tip Fineliner Pens and Dual-tip Highlighters to take our lists from to-do to colorfully done!
While any journal will work, we recommend using a dot grid journal to set up your bullet journal notebook system and help keep everything organized. To get you started with your new journal, might we suggest the following?
Assignment Log.
As you receive assignments, note the requirements, expectations, and due date in your notebook. You can dedicate two pages per week for all your current assignments or start a running list of what’s due when that you add onto daily, or weekly basis.
Exams and Quiz Schedule.
At the beginning of your quarter, or semester, gather the syllabus for each class and create a schedule for all your tests. You can set aside space at the front, or back, of your notebook to list the month with dates and any corresponding exams and quizzes. That way you’re never caught unprepared!
Study Plan.
Once you know when you need to be prepared for tests, you can set up your study plan. Goal achievement happens one step at a time, and if you want to ace your finals, it’s recommended to plan out the steps you need to get there. Make note of your study topics on a monthly, weekly, and daily basis to keep you on track.
Grade Tracker.
A grade tracker is a motivating way to keep yourself accountable for completing assignments and preparing for tests. When you can see how well your efforts are paying off, you’re more likely to keep up the amazing work!
Prepare for success before the school year starts: grab your dot journal and make a list of all your academic goals. Keep track of your progress and look back at all you've learned and achieved. We’re cheering you on!
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