5 Tips For Better To-Do Lists

 A Stack of PAPERAGE Legal Pads and Pens on yellow background

Are you a list maker? We are! And of course, we’re super fans of making our to-do lists on paper, especially a handy stack of PAPERAGE Legal Pads. To-do lists have long been the gold standard for getting stuff done and we can all use a few tips to up our list making game! 

    1. Start Big

    Sometimes we need a list to contain ALL the things, a place to brain dump the tasks, ideas, thoughts, and to-dos that clutter our mind. Dedicate an entire journal or notebook to your Big List, a running list you add to whenever the mood, or need, strikes. The goal isn’t to finish the list, it’s to give you a place to keep track of everything. PAPERAGE Composition Notebooks are smaller than the standard composition book, which make them perfect for on-the-go list making.

    2. The Rule of 3

    Set yourself up for success and follow the Rule of Three which limits your everyday to-do list to only the top three priorities. Pull the priorities from your big list or include items relevant to that specific day. Productivity experts believe limiting yourself to only three items help to decrease the dreaded to-do list overwhelm. And if you get them done early in the day, add the next set of priorities!

    3. Many Lists

    If you’re the type of person who likes to have lists for ALL the things, try dedicating a notebook to a specific topic. A great idea is to have a notebook for weekday tasks and another for weekend to-dos. Another way to help sort your to-dos is by specific work projects or clients. A multipack of PAPERAGE journals with different colored journals will give you an easy visual cue for which book to use.

    4. Bite Size Tasks

    Another way you can set yourself up for success is to bite size your tasks. One of the reasons we can get discouraged with our to-dos is because the task on the list actually has a series of tasks that need to happen first! Taking the time to reflect on a big task and then break it down into smaller steps so each of those becomes a priority can make it all more manageable.

    5. Color Code

    Who doesn’t love color? Color coding tasks gives you a quick visual reminder about the general category your task falls into. Plus, color has the power to shift moods and if you’re dreading a series of tasks, try writing them down in a color you associate with a positive mood. We love to use a rainbow pack of PAPERAGE Gel Pens to get any job from to-do to ta-done!

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